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Thursday, May 26, 2011

key to my heart tattoo

key to my heart tattoo. has the key to my heart.
  • has the key to my heart.

  • chrfr
    Mar 29, 09:39 AM
    Thatisme, maybe Canon can help clear up your confusion.

    key to my heart tattoo. My discomfort reminded me to
  • My discomfort reminded me to

  • vniow
    Sep 13, 05:34 PM
    This has nothing to do with Macs, or it might depending on which rumors you believe, but AMD's Clawhammer is coming out in the first quarter of 2003 and will likely be marketed as a 3400+ which would be higher than the PV at 3.2 Ghz. However, unless this chip gets used in the next Powermac revision (not likely, I know, but possible) then IBM better get that almost-too-good-to-be-true-Power4-mini-me out fast. I'm going to wait until October to see IBM's roadmap for any further speculation though. :)

    click or I'll hammer you (

    key to my heart tattoo. Key, Key To My Heart,
  • Key, Key To My Heart,

  • ikir
    Jun 22, 04:35 AM
    Wow, hadn't even thought about that... That would be so nice. :o

    Very good idea!!! The only problem is speed, Apple SD readers are quite fast but only some high end SD reach good speeds.

    key to my heart tattoo. key to my heart tattoo designs
  • key to my heart tattoo designs

  • vniow
    Aug 19, 09:54 PM
    Got a PC? (

    key to my heart tattoo. Tattoo Heart, The Key To My
  • Tattoo Heart, The Key To My

  • mstrze
    Apr 5, 08:56 AM
    No. A car that gets 50mpg is likely much lighter than a car that gets 8mpgs... and hence doesn't put near as much wear on the road

    Agreed, but 6.25 (50/8) times as much 'damage'???

    Highly doubtful it's even twice as much 'damage'. An extra 1000lbs rolling along on the same type of rubber tires isn't going to increase wear all that much.

    Based completely on wear-and-tear on highways I still say that a gas tax is unfair. And this is why the the US is struggling for tax dollars to fund highway repair and upgrade projects these days.

    key to my heart tattoo. The Key to My Heart
  • The Key to My Heart

  • sundayx
    Apr 5, 11:34 AM
    Like a touchpad wouldn't it be possible for it to recognize what is a tap and what is just touching to the surface? i.e. it would only initiate a command based on a quick touch and release.

    key to my heart tattoo. The padlock is my heart,
  • The padlock is my heart,

  • yetanotherpunte
    Nov 14, 03:02 PM
    Hi guys my macintosh LC makes a bit of a high pitched noise when i turn it on

    any ideas as to what this could be?

    Pictures of it can be found here -

    key to my heart tattoo. Who Holds the key to my Heart?
  • Who Holds the key to my Heart?

  • PlaceofDis
    Apr 2, 07:22 PM
    for any complex formatting Word is definitly the way to sad to say, its not that bad of an app, although it is filled with bloat....

    Pages is stong because of its templates, but its not good for making documents from scratch, if it improved in this area i would stick to it, but the UI definitly needs some work, toolbars and palettes need to be used more effectively and perhaps a bit more customization of the two would help a bit

    for now i guess ill be typing up my poetry in Word

    key to my heart tattoo. Etsy :: Key To My Heart
  • Etsy :: Key To My Heart

  • sk58781111
    Oct 7, 10:47 AM
    3.5" was great in 2007 but not anymore. Apple needs to make a 4.2" iPhone ;)

    key to my heart tattoo. Dream Tattoo – Design Heart
  • Dream Tattoo – Design Heart

  • samh004
    Nov 14, 10:38 AM
    Well, this is pretty cool.

    Is there going to be some downside to this, like a fee or (worse) ads? (Much worse, if the ads can't be skipped or easily ignored.)

    I think the integration could be used as enticement for customers to use a particular airline over another. It doesn't matter if everyone eventually adopts the technology, as you've built up a reputation and some customers.

    Ads or a fee aren't needed as your attracting more revenue, ads and additional fees would be more likely to push people away.

    Sounds great to me! Did anyone here anything about Zune intergration in planes? I didn't think so. :p

    I'm sure Microsoft could pay the airlines enough to install it at no cost just to push their brand.

    key to my heart tattoo. Key-To-My Heart Diamond Key
  • Key-To-My Heart Diamond Key

  • roland.g
    Apr 1, 10:52 AM
    I think it's Time you're Warned about Cable.

    Go with DirecTV. Their new iPad app is awesome, acts as the best remote ever. Instead of paging through listings, I can swipe momentum style through the guide on my screen and tune my TV directly through it. No iPad watching yet, but I imagine sometime soon enough when they all start to offer it, the competition will force it. I can create multiple guides for things like sports, kids, movies, news. They all live update. Set and control your DVR all through the app.

    Like others have said, if you want true Mac/PC and iPad viewing, get a slingbox. I thought about it, but for now I'll just wait for the DirecTV to bring it to the app.

    key to my heart tattoo. A close-up of the heart on the
  • A close-up of the heart on the

  • gloss
    Mar 27, 11:46 AM
    Other than the fact that it identifies the races of the participants, what makes it "racist?"

    I think the fact that it takes place in front of a bookstore and is therefore treated as 'noteworthy'.

    I also think that some people get their panties in a bunch over some pretty stupid things.

    key to my heart tattoo. Her tattoos blended in so
  • Her tattoos blended in so

  • GulGnu
    Jun 11, 03:17 PM
    Well, I formally switched today (my iBook arrived) - and I must say I am very impressed with the Mac. It feels like a quality build, and OS X feels better overall than Windows XP. (I think XP is a pretty good OS btw)

    I went with the iBook because it was a pretty good value notebook, especially after recent price drops here in Europe. I don't think I qualify as a Mac zealot quite yet though... We'll see how the 'book holds up in a few weeks =P


    -Stabil som fan!

    key to my heart tattoo. key. adjoining hearts. red
  • key. adjoining hearts. red

  • TheMacBookPro
    Apr 24, 01:50 AM
    seriously just shut ur pretty faces with the tired backlit keyboard anthem.

    Bit rude don't you think?

    this is like the least desirable feature

    In your opinion.

    esp since it has a direct impact on battery life.

    Not on my Pro or VAIO Z.

    so simple really:

    -more power
    -longer battery life
    -IPS display
    -less weight
    -runs cool

    the new x220 does the mba better in three items above today for a fact. time for apple to step it up again.

    Fair enough.

    key to my heart tattoo. key. adjoining hearts. red
  • key. adjoining hearts. red

  • drummerlondonw3
    Apr 5, 07:58 AM
    This is so on the money.

    I was just having lunch while watching a film on my iPad. Next table over a table of business people are showing off one of their new iPads. People respond so positively to the experience on so many levels it really has something for nearly everyone.

    The important thing that apple got was that making great computers for 2% of the population, or smaller, was one thing. Making a great piece of hardware for 95% of the world something else entirely and much more lucrative.

    key to my heart tattoo. I present to you my shield in
  • I present to you my shield in

  • Carlanga
    Apr 5, 05:19 PM
    This is all they have now

    Audio in/out

    :rolleyes: ;)

    Also, interesting patent :apple:

    key to my heart tattoo. Key to my Heart
  • Key to my Heart

  • Spanky Deluxe
    Oct 26, 12:18 PM
    so who's got a tshirt then?

    I have one. Well two actually. Apologies to anyone that comes later and doesn't get one because of me taking two but I figured I was worth some kind of compensation for the people that were queue jumping. We were fighting the cause for the people behind us with the apple staff who kept letting the randoms in.

    Incidentally, they are *not* offering *any* form of student discount on Leopard here. No higher education discount and no standard discount. Full price or family pack price only.

    key to my heart tattoo. you hold the key to my heart
  • you hold the key to my heart

  • scem0
    May 30, 03:12 AM
    Originally posted by iJon
    yeah i think so. i am 17 and i buy my own computers. its called a job and i have one. luckily, i have a job that is easy, fun, and pays well. i find most of my friends who dont have jobs are just lazy.


    What I am saying is - if SJ wants to sell his computer to the sub 20-year-old community, he better get his prices down. Because even though I could work my tail off at work, and earn enough money to buy a mac, a mac still might not be worth it. For example, if apple sold a dual 1.5 GHz 970 in addition to the current line-up for $10,000, it still wouldn't be worth $10,000 for me because that equates to ~1,170 hours of work for me. If I was a extremely well off person, and money wasn't an issue, the computer would be worth the money.

    So, basically what I am saying is Apple needs to get down their prices in order to sell their high end systems to people who want them but don't have the highest paycheck.

    key to my heart tattoo. A Tetris heart tattoo,
  • A Tetris heart tattoo,

  • MattSepeta
    Apr 12, 02:56 PM
    Of course it is unacceptable, and for this reason it is already illegal. ;)

    What about denying somebody a job because of their, say, intelligence? Charisma? Any number of things that are largely predetermined?

    mad jew
    Sep 13, 11:31 AM
    I've had it about four times that I remember (mostly for reasons that are too embarrassing or simply inappropriate to mention here) and all I can say is lie back and enjoy the ride. :)

    I'd wish you luck for it, but you don't need it. :p

    Apr 9, 07:19 PM
    I didn't realize assisting in procuring abortion for child prostitutes counted as reporting to the FBI

    Obviously you've been reading the wrong sources, in all the cases Planned Parenthood gave advice, but then reported the case to the FBI.

    People are a nation's greatest asset.

    Unwanted people are far from an asset.

    Apr 2, 06:19 PM
    You don't like to be told how do do things the wrong way but you like Word?

    I like it for TYPING. :rolleyes:

    Jan 7, 12:25 PM
    Have they fixed the issue where the News Feed constantly reverts to "Live Feed" view even though you've selected "Status Updates"?

    Because that problem right there is reason enough for me not to install it.

    Rodimus Prime
    Oct 9, 04:17 PM
    What is the difference in price on the movies sold on iTunes compared buying the DVD itself?

    If it is like 5-10% (1-2 bucks) I dont see why they are complaining but if the the defferences is $5+ I can understand why target is complaining and the threat is a good threat. It is not fair to have that large of a difference in cost.

    I might like to add that places that sell the DVD are only making 2-3 bucks on the DVD they sell.

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